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Cost of a single tooth Implant in Dubai

Cost of a single tooth Implant in Dubai

The cost of a single tooth Dental implants in Dubai varies from case to case. Sky Clinic Dental Center JLT have the best implantologist and they usually give warranty by a team of the expert dentists. Replacing missing teeth with advanced dental Implants treatment is available at Sky Clinic Dental center in Dubai. A single...

Bring Back the Smile you always wish for

Bring Back the Smile you always wish for

Healthy teeth have a vital role in every individual's life. Strong and healthy teeth can help you consume your meals without pain and maintain your mouth's functionality and comfort. If you take good care of your teeth, they bring many positive changes to your life. In addition to that, they transform the visual appearance of the person. The missing tooth creates space in your mouth that affects the way you look, for these teeth need attention regularly.

Discover your perfect smile with veneers

Discover your perfect smile with veneers

Are your missing, irregularly-shaped, or broken teeth holding you back from living a fulfilled lifestyle? Having veneers fitted by a dental specialist such as Dubai-based Dr Rabih Abi Nader can have positive benefits on both the patient’s appearance and lifestyle, resulting in their full holistic wellbeing. What are veneers?Placed over the damaged tooth or teeth,...

Why is my dentist recommending a ceramic inlay/onlay?

Why is my dentist recommending a ceramic inlay/onlay?

WHY IS MY DENTIST RECOMMENDING A CERAMIC INLAY / ONLAY? Having dental decay is a common oral problem that could be easily fixed with a composite filling. However, in restorative dentistry, there are better alternative treatment approaches that your dentist could recommend though they are a bit more costly they give you far more efficient...

Oral Health For Expecting Moms

Oral Health For Expecting Moms

Before, during and after pregnancy, your body undergoes hormonal changes that could affect not just your body but that or your child as well. Poor oral health increases the risk of developing gum diseases, which can affect the health and development of your baby. It’s important for you to take good care of your teeth...



Over the years our teeth wear down. Dental decay is considered as major cause of tooth loss. However, there are other factors that contribute in wearing down our teeth. Abfraction is a mechanical loss of tooth structure which is located along the gum line. It is triggered by occlusal forces on the tooth from the...